Modern But Traditional Drum Art
ZingO Festival Drum Group is a strong leader in Singapore Chinese Drum Scene. Many describe it as “modern and yet traditional”. ZingO aims to unleash the potential of Festival Drums; using drum as a medium to instil meaningful values in the drummers. There are 3 things that ZingO emphasizes on: Chinese Culture, Music and Education.

It All Started in 1998
To have a unique drum group has rooted in Roch's heart when he became a Festival Drum instructor in October 1998. Under his leadership, the drummers grew fast and became not only disciplined, but also innovative, and equipped with leadership. In order to further develop these drummers, ZingO Drum Group was founded in January 2004.

A Glimpse of What ZingO Has Done
The followings are just some examples : Singapore Arts Festival (2009 & 2007), Singapore River Festival (2009 & 2008), Channel U Documentary on Youth: "We're No Strawberries" (2008), Esplanade Moonfest (2008), Esplanade Flipside (2008), Esplanade Studio Series: Death of a Hero (2008), Singapore Youth Festival Opening (2007) and etc.


For a more detail background, history and stories about ZingO, please refer to the "Documents" section.MR TAN HOOI SONG